Everybody knows those crazy adrenaline rush people who participate in those equally crazy sports. These sports are often called Extreme Sports and I'm here to offer insight on these sports and how, as crazy as they might sound, some are actually pretty fun.
Base Jumping is a very extreme sport that requires you to jump off of a building or an object with a high height. Base jumpers wear parachutes and (hopefully before they hit the ground and become a smashed human) they unfurl the parachute to slow their fall and land SAFELY on the ground.
2. Sand boarding
Think snow boarding but replace the snow and mountains with a giant sand dune! I've heard sand boarding is much harder and hurts a whole lot more when you take a nosedive into the sand. #Sandboarding
3. Skate Boarding
This type of skate boarding isn't the regular "after school activity" done by teenagers. This the all out competitive and pretty dangerous version. #Skateboardingtrick
4. Rock Climbing
Scaling a huge rock face, hundred of feet up in the air. And that's with or with any ropes to catch you if you fall. People love it and would gladly do it every day if they could- including my family!
5. Paintball
Believe it or not this is considered as an extreme sport, and if you've ever played with certain competitive people, then you'll understand why. Paintball is an awesome experience and tons of fun. #Keepcalmandpaintball
6. Parkour and Free running
Last but certainly not least- this is my favorite extreme sport- amazing to watch and even more fun to do!
Parkour is usually set over and obstacle course and set to get from point A to point B. Free running is also set over an obstacle course but is more about pulling tricks and doing flips and such to get to the set point. #Nolimits
Those were only six of the many extreme sports out there! I hope you enjoyed this post!!
Thanks all for reading,
- Avery
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