People Who Like Us

Thursday, February 5, 2015

BIEBER IS BACK???????????????

Hey everybody! Today I would like to focus on a special individual that had previously graced us with his immense talent and his immense ego a few years ago.

YES! You heard correctly the one and only Justin Beaver-*cough cough*- Bieber is back and making a new album!!
Let's address a few different questions:
And How????

WHAT???? - 

A few years a go a young little guy named Justin Bieber was found by an artist manager, who goes by the name of  Scooter Braun, on a random Youtube video with J.B. singing in it. After convincing Beiber's mom to let Justin go out into the world he arranged a meetup with the one and only Usher. Of course since Usher is super famous, the Bieber man EXPLODED! (Metaphorically of course... although we all wish he had exploded physically...). After making his platinum winning debut album, Justin was put on the top ten list, by Forbes, of the most influential people in the world. THREE TIMES IN A ROW! We all know that the reason everyone likes him isn't because of his story of rags to riches, or because he's "cute", or because he throws parties with Johnny Football... It's because of his music... JUST KIDDING!! We all know that the only reason everyone liked him was because of everything BUT his music. Althoughhhh... some people really DO believe he has true talent. Maybe that's why he's coming back? Or maybe he's coming back for another $80 million. (That's only what he made in 2014.) All I know is that if I had a dime for every time someone said Bieber had true talent... I'd have two dimes!

WHEN???? -

Well, evidently, he's coming out with an album right about now. Or at least, he's WORKING on it right now. I wonder how much work is his and how much is auto-tune?

WHERE???? -

How the heck should I know? I'm not a 13 year old girl collecting his hair and memorizing all the houses he owns...*Avoids Eye Contact*...

WHY???? -

Good question... Probably for another $80 mil. Maybe for another platinum award on another debut album. That's right. He can have ANOTHER debut album. It IS Bieber after all!

HOW???? -

Well it's really simple... He goes and asks a manager and record label. If the manager and record label say YES, which anyone in their right mind would, then he makes another album. If they say no, which means they turned down a few million bucks, then he goes and uses his own money to make an album, and uses his 40 million twitter followers to advertise. The real question is WHAT THE HECK IS HE THINKING???? AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO ME-*Cough*- I mean, AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO THE WORLD???? *Soft Crying*

Anyway, if you want to correct me about anything I said then please like and comment. And If you want to comment and say J.B. has true talent then that is fine with me. After all, I get another dime. :)

Thanks for listening to me yell about Bieber,

P.S. - I DO NOT HATE JUSTIN BIEBER AS A PERSON!! I just strongly dislike his music and the choices he has made.  :)

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