What's up everyone? This is Jimbob once again. I was supposed to post on Thursday but I came down with a nasty case of the flu. Fun stuff... Anyway this is cool for you cause this means you get a little bit of awesomeness from me to kick-off your week! So let's get right to it then!
This week I thought I would address a major problem in our community...
But my parents kinda rejected that idea so here I am talking about...
Right now your thinking,"What the heck Jimbob! I don't want to read about some losers who live in their mother's basements and try to convince their "friends" that playing a DJ set for a 7 year old's b-day party is cool!" #7yearoldbdayparty
Well let me tell you... THAT IS NOT WHAT A DJ IS!!! That is a huge stereotype and although in some cases it CAN be true, it is NOT true for almost all DJ's.
I myself want to be a music producer/DJ when I am older. A DJ nowaday's isn't only a person who plays songs at a club but also someone who produces the music you hear in most famous pop songs on the radio. In the EDM explosion of 2013 people started recognizing that their favorite singers were only SINGING for some awesome and really catchy electronic songs and wanted more of the DJ's. Don't get me wrong though, DJing and dance music production was popular before and DJ's had HUGE fan bases. It was just that in 2013, EDM (Electronic Dance Music) producers were recognized by the public peoples who had not heard of such a thing before. Now, half of our culture enjoys instrumental dance songs with nasty drops and awesome anthem chords, but there is still the other half. Who is the "other half"???
The other half are the people who think what you thought at the beginning of this post. You immediately thought of that lousy kid you knew in highschool. That kid who dropped out. Well... you are wrong. Some of those kids who #droppedout are making a good $20 mil. every... single... year... And I say "kids" because that is what they are. The average DJ realized what they wanted to do the rest of their lives by age 14 or 15. Martin Garrix, for example (also one of my personal favorite artists), started being a DJ at age EIGHT!! He saw a very famous DJ named Tiesto perform at the 2004 Athens, Greece Olympic Games. After that he looked at his parents and said "I want to DJ". Since then he has made hit after hit. What really got him on the grand stages of every famous EDM festival out there, was a song named "Animals". This is a very simple song, but it is also very catchy. He made the song in his room like most other DJ's. Little did he know that this song would give him his dream job. At age 16 he was making $17 mil. a year and now he is making over $20 mil. a year. LET'S GET THIS CLEAR!! HE IS NOT A ONE HIT WONDER!! Martin Garrix will go down as one of the greats in EDM history. He has made so many great songs. In my opinion, "Animals" is not his best song. Go look him up and listen to his music. I think you will enjoy it! #MARTINGARRIXPEOPLESSSS
Enough about him though, WHAT DO DJ'S REALLY DO?
Well, I have explained that they don't only perform but they also create music. I can't really tell you how hard it is to make a great song like them without going into a bunch of nerdy music terms and technical #thingymuhbobbers. SO, just take my word for it. The songs they create aren't repetitive and cheesy tracks, but are beautiful masterpieces. Even the most repetitive dance songs are awesome if you listen to all the detail in the effects of the instruments and the layout of the song. I like to compare dance music to wine. Wine snobs will tell you that you have to savor your drink and taste all the many layers of wine in order to get the full effect. I will tell you the same thing about EDM.
Well now... that is a great question... Do DJ's just jump up and down? Put their hands in the air like they just don't care? Drop the bass? THEY DO ALL OF THESE THINGS!! AND A LOT MORE!!
I want to get this straight first...
EVEN IF DJ's just jumped up and down and entertained the crowd... it would still be a really tough job. Try performing for 80,000 people. Try keeping their attention for two hours. Maybe more... You can't sing like any of your favorite artists. You just stand their with a mic. With the music playing in the background. A select few of you MIGHT be good at it. But probably not. You have to time what you say with the music. You can't say too much or people will get annoyed. You can't say too little or people will get bored.You can't talk during the best parts in the song or people will get mad. Your performing to #PLEASETHEPEOPLE! That makes DJing sound horrible but it's not. DJ's get to do what they love! They love entertaining people! Just like any other musician. Except with this, it is a lot more precise. Singers just have to sing words from their songs and dance and give heartfelt talks in between a few tracks. That is great! But DJing is A LOT harder.
I have told you how hard it is to please the crowd. But that is not all a DJ does. A DJ has to make songs flow together! If you can't even talk to the crowd you at least have to be able to do that in order to be a DJ. It may sound easy but it is not! A DJ has to take songs in different keys, different tempos, and different sub-genres and moods and mashes them together. It is hard stuff! But DJ's love it. Every time I can make a song flow into another song as if they were one I get the best feeling of accomplishment. Every time I take one old-school song from Journey or another band and then morph a drop into it, I get so excited!
Also, DJ's are cool for one other reason (that has to do with performance at least). DJ's NEVER play the same set twice in a row. When a DJ is traveling to the next gig he is usually editing his and other peoples songs. Not only that but he MAKES completely new tracks on the road! ALSO, a DJ will usually play 2 or 3 songs at the beginning of a set. Each one from a different sub-genre of EDM. For example, one song that is an melodic anthem, another song that has a hard drop, and maybe another that is not so dancing but just is an experimental track. Then depending on which song the crowd liked the most he will morph the rest of the songs he plays! It requires a good sense for the crowd, and good sense for the music, and some good natural reflexes to pull this off.
#Inconclusion, DJing isn't about performing at a 7 year old's b-day party (unless you have to :P) and it isn't about bobbing your head up and down on stage while just pressing the play button. It's about doing what you love and sharing it with others. I think ANY musician would say that the most rewarding part of creating music is not the money or fame but touching people's lives with their music. DJ's are the same. They aren't fakes or frauds but musicians doing what they love. I hope to be a DJ one day no matter what people think of me! I won't care... Because I'll be doing what I love while sharing it with others.
- Jimbob #jimbob #excessivehashtags #hashtaggingforschool?
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