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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Craving Savings

Okay. So you are reading a book, and it's 3:00 in the afternoon. A thought flutters in your mind. You try to shoo it away, and focus on the book you're reading. You can't.  You are craving something. Something sweet. But what is there? You check your pantry for Oreos. Nope. Brownie mix? Nothing. What do you do??? Where do you turn???


And all you need is three simple ingredients. Peanut butter, sugar, and one egg. that's all you need for these simple-yet-delicious peanut butter cookies.

Step #1: Put one cup of peanut butter, one cup of sugar, and one egg in a small bowl.

Step #2: Mix it all together with a fork, *YES, A FORK.*

You want it to look like this after you mix it all up (with your fork, of course):

Step #3: Using a spoon, *YES, A SPOON...*

"Spoon" it onto a cookie sheet evenly, like this:

Step #4: Using a fork, *YES, A FORK...*

Press it into the cookie dough balls in a criss-cross fashion, like thus:

Isn't this a cool recipe? My friend gave it to me. I decided that I needed to fill in this space so I am babbling on and on so that I can do just that. well, I'm gonna be done now. Keep reading and following!!!

 Step #5: Put those babies in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown, and...


There you go! Now follow us and comment and share with friends and tell everyone that we have the most awesome blog ever and like us and please don't ever unlike us and follow us! : )

Thanks all!

-Diana Rush

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