Hi everyone this is Diana Rush. I know I like to talk about nail designs, and sometimes even recipes on Tuesday. But today I'm going to talk about something different. I 'm going to talk about beauty. Now some of you smart alecs are probably saying, "Like, wow, what do you call a nail design? Ugly?" That's not what I mean. I am going to tell you about true beauty, and how to have it. For one,
You have to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Let me just tell you something, and let me be frank. You cannot have true beauty if you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. After all, He is the one who makes you beautiful. And not just the "typical pretty." He can give you beauty that is so utterly gorgeous, it is simply impossible to obtain from any man or man made product. Now I'm not saying I'm beautiful, or even pretty. But Christ has given me this true beauty that is available to literally anyone, anywhere, any time. And also you don't have to be a girl, just so you know. You see, Christ gave me this beauty when He came into my life to be my Savior, Redeemer, Healer, and Friend. He came down to this wretched earth because He loves me, and you, so much that He died the worst death imaginable, the death on a cross, so that I, and you, didn't have to suffer the ugly consequences. And all you have to do is repent of your sins, and believe that Christ rose from the dead three days after He died.
Isn't it amazing that such a powerful God, the creator of the universe in fact, would go through such pain for us so that we don't have to? This is the start of true beauty! So are you ready for step two? Here we go!
Don't call yourself ugly.
Don't even think about. Don't you dare. Other people may call you ugly, but don't believe them. Once you have accepted Christ as your Savior (hooray!) calling yourself, or anyone else, names is not going to help you with true beauty. Ever. So the next time someone, including yourself, calls you ugly, or not good enough, or worthless, you just tell them (or yourself), "No I am not. Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life and you have no right to tell me what or who I am." That may sound harsh, but it's true! Just look at 1 Timothy 6: 20-21
Okay, so now you have the only awesome Creator as your Savior, and you know that you should stay away from that foolish, babbling talk that you are ugly or whatever (remember that Paul told Timothy to avoid the babblings of what is called knowledge. That includes false doctrines, and it can also apply to INSULTS!) Are you ready for the third thing?
No one is perfect.
Yeah. You know those models and movie stars? They're fake. No one is that perfect. Actually they use a computer to "fix" the model or movie star. They change skin tone, erase pimples and other blemishes, and they even raise cheek bones! So yeah. Most of the movie stars or models that you see in pictures or movies look completely different in real life. They actually look normal! Imagine that! : )
So are you getting a pattern here? Here's the next and last thing I'm going to bring up:
Just be happy with you.
That's right. You're you. You're unique. I'll bet my boots that there is no one else on this earth that looks exactly like you. I mean, unless you have an identical twin. But that's not really fair. Well anyways, you need to just not be afraid of whatever people think of you. I mean, we all have our little dinks. Mine, I have a waaaaay obnoxious laugh. Seriously, when I find that something is funny, really funny, you can hear me a mile away. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" No kidding! And I actually had someone tell me once, "Wow...for such a little girl you have such an obnoxious laugh." I was shocked and quite honestly speechless, but did that stop me from laughing my heart out when I think something is funny? NO!!! I still embarass myself silly laughing so loud. But I like to laugh, and no one can insult me out of that. So there.
I hope you have found this article helpful and comforting. It helped me a lot too, just writing it. So I mentioned a pattern earlier. Do you know it? The pattern is this: don't be afraid to be different. Being a Christian is different. Not insulting others or yourself is different. Knowing and admitting th at NO ONE is perfect... is different. And being happy with yourself is different. Now don't get me wrong, you should constantly be wanting to change and grow on a spiritual level, but physically speaking, just be happy!
Thank you all for listening! Happy beauty...true beauty! Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for He is greatly to be praised!
-Diana Rush
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